Saturday 17 January 2015

Dear Mr & Mrs [ Insert Last Name Here ]

Dear Mr & Mrs [ Insert Last Name Here ],

I'm not really sure why I'm writing this to you, I can't imagine you being the kind of people that read blogs. But I suppose this is my way of venting about your darling daughter. I'm sure you haven't heard, even if you have it would be from the Police, she ran away with over $4,000 worth of my stuff last week. 

I guess I have to take some responsibilities for that too, I was naive enough to let that pathetic excuse for a human being into my home. But you know, under the circumstances, I thought she'll only be renting for a month so I didn't really bother to ask too much, I'm obviously regretting that decision now. Perhaps I should have kicked her out sooner when I started noticing her complete disregard for other people's things, but oh well, it's a bit late for that now. 

See, among the things she took from me was my $3,000 Chanel handbag. You must be wondering why anyone would spend that much money on a bag, just like how I wonder a person like her could even exist. You'll have to excuse my rudeness, she has put me through a lot of anguish and stress in the last week. The feeling of not being safe inside your own home is not nice at all as you can imagine. By the way, did you know that our planet's resources are being used up at an alarming rate? You probably don't, doesn't seem like the kind of people who would care but anyway. It would be so great if the resources that went into raising your daughter would say, go to raise the next Stephen Hawking or someone else who would eventually make some kind of positive impact on the future of humanity. 

I suppose the saddest thing of them all in this situation would have to be your grandson. Having a father who went to jail and a mother who is well, your daughter, I can't imagine a future for him that involves a lot of prospects. He'll probably grow up to have some kind of mental deficiency due to his mother's drug abuse while he was still in her. I'm one of the millions of people who actually do my part for the society and pay taxes, those tax dollars goes to people like your daughter who abuse the system. It really makes me angry to think that my money goes to support another generation of oxygen-wasters. I was quite depressed but I think now I'm just angry, but it's ok, she's only made a small dent in my life. She is irrelevant, to me and to this society.

I hope I never have to see her again, but if we do it would be in court. Although the chances of me getting my things back are slim, I'm still somewhat hopeful. If she's smart she would've sold them already, but then again we all know she's anything but that. 

With Regards ( Not really ),


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