Monday 21 July 2014

Leopold the Bunny Rabbit

I've never really played with a lot of dolls when I was a kid and in my adult life the dolls that I got was bought for my cat to tear up. 

So it's Saturday night, Jules and I are waiting around for my friend Annie to finish up her date. We decided to go play the skill tester machines, the ones that are obviously rigged so you keep trying to catch the dolls. Anyway, I've never been good at those things so it was up to Jules to get some kind of a prize since he's always been the lucky one at these things. After many attempts and a lot of swearing, Jules finally caught this bunny. At first I thought, oh another one for Joe to tear up but then I looked at him more closely and somehow I kinda fell in love with his little face, his colourful triangles and his long limbs and ears.

The next day I decided to take some photos of him and thought it'd be funny to put him on this little rocking horse with some props and it all started from there. The next thing I knew I even got him some clothes lol. I took a few shots of him riding a scooter and posing with a bike and even introduced him to LSP.

"! He is so hot! Look at those man lumps!" is what I imagine she would say.   
I actually have a lot of fun putting him in poses and scenarios and here's just an introduction to Leopold (that's what I named him btw), so there's probably gonna be more snaps of him on here in the future. 

Anyway, hope everyone's had a good weekend. It's so darn cold these days all I want to do is curl up in a ball in my bed and nap all day. But no, I have to get up and work. (boo..)

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