Saturday 2 August 2014

If You Love Burgers Say "Moo"!

Moo Burgers
It's Friday night and I was planning to spend the night at home cleaning but my friend Annie suggested we go out on a "date night". After much debate where we should go, we settled on Newtown. 

It was especially cold and walking around King St looking for a place to eat was not exactly what I had in mind. She suggested "Moo Burgers" which was a gourmet burger joint, I'm not really a big burger fan to be honest but I was starving and anything would've been nice and in we went.

The place is quite cosy, the walls are decorated with kids' drawings of cows. As soon as you walk in the smell of grilled bacon hits your nose and I immediately felt my stomach start to grumble. The menu is quite simple, the normal cheeseburgers with some gourmet selections but one burger caught my eye, the "Duck and Bacon". Duck you say? Oh my I just gotta try this! Annie got the wagyu burger and we also ordered a cheesy bacon fries with their homemade sweet chilli jam sauce to share.  

The burgers looked standard enough, pattie & veggies with sauce sandwiched between two buns. The taste however, is quite phenomenal. 
The duck pattie was so soft and fragrant, filled with spices and sooooo juicy. The sourdough bun is just perfection as buns go, slightly crunchy on the outside and super soft on the inside, making each bite hugely satisfying. The tomato and lettuce are fresh and crunchy but my favourite element would have to be the orange jam on top of the duck pattie. It just takes everything to another level, sweet and a little bit tangy, oh my god I want some more now. The wagyu was just as awesome, the brie and the caramalised onions paired with the juicy wagyu pattie, again is just perfection. 

You know the food is good when there is no talking and trust me, we talk a lot lol. Ah "Moo Burgers", my new favourite burger place for sure!


It wouldn't be a complete meal without desserts. After searching the streets to find a proper dessert place we came upon "Chocoloco". On one of their walls I found this quote, "Stressed spelled backward is desserts". Instant mind blow!

I didn't want to just get your standard chocolate pizza or banana split so I went all out and got their "Chocolate Supreme Belgian Waffle Cookie Brownie Sundae".
Yes it's quite a mouthful and literally too. The sundae was huge, pieces of oreos, brownies, waffles topped with whipped cream on a mountain of chocolate ice cream. The taste was great though, the whipped cream helped to cut some of the richness from all the other elements, oh and one thing to note is that if you get desserts here they give you free coffee. Not bad right?

In the end, I'm glad I came out despite the bone chilling wind :D

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